Best Programming Languages in 2024

By: Brian Mutinda

23 feb 2024



Once upon a time, the realm of computer programming was shrouded in mystery and exclusivity. Only a chosen few were deemed computer programmers with advanced coding prowess. Fast forward to today, numerous IT roles demand proficiency in multiple top programming languages.


LIf advancing your career or embarking on a new career path hinges on mastering a programming language, choosing the right one becomes paramount. With the investment of time and resources required to learn, making an informed decision is crucial. When deciding, consider factors such as the level of complexity you're comfortable with, your existing programming knowledge that aligns with your current skills, and your motivations for learning a leading programming language.

Whether you want to develop a mobile application, get certification for programming knowledge, or learn new skills, you need to learn the right programming language. Below you’ll learn about the best programming languages in demand among employers in 2024. You’ll be briefed about the details of each language, its complexity, and how it is used.

What is a Programming Language?

A programming language serves as a medium for developers to interact with computers. These languages are comprised of rules that facilitate the transformation of string values into machine code or, in the case of visual programming languages, into graphical elements.

Generally speaking, a program is a set of instructions written in a particular language (C, C++, Java, Python) to achieve a particular task.

Major Types of Programming Languages

1. Procedural Programming Languages

Procedural programming is a paradigm that employs procedures or functions to organize and condense code into reusable blocks. Languages like C, Pascal, and FORTRAN are prime examples of programming languages that support this approach and are highly sought after in the industry.

In procedural programming, the program is segmented into functions or procedures, which are essentially isolated sub-programs designed to execute specific tasks. These procedures can be invoked from various parts of the program, promoting flexibility and code reusability. The focus is on the structured execution of the program, emphasizing the sequence of instructions and the manipulation of data stored in variables.

These programming languages are highly recommended for learning, as they are extensively used in fields such as engineering, gaming, and finance. While procedural programming may offer less flexibility compared to other paradigms, it remains one of the most prominent programming approaches taught in top-tier computer science courses.

2. Functional Programming Languages

Unlike procedural languages, functional programming languages offer greater flexibility. They consist of a series of functions and emphasize modeling computations and data transformation. Haskell, Clojure, Lisp, and Scala are examples of languages that support this paradigm.

Functional programming enhances program understandability and boosts reliability by ensuring functions operate solely on their input arguments. While less mainstream, they have seen significant growth in educational contexts. In this paradigm, functions can be assigned to variables, passed as arguments to other functions, and return results from functions.

Functional programming excels in parallel processing as it eliminates mutable state. By structuring code around functions, it allows for parallel execution of instructions. This approach supports nested functions and comprises independent units that run cohesively, making it more efficient for parallel computing.

3. Object-oriented Programming Languages

In an object-oriented programming language, objects define the data and the behavior of objects. These objects typically include data attributes representing the object's state and method. This language enables users to make a complex system with interconnected objects.

This language employs encapsulation to conceal implementation details from external entities. This enables the development of complex systems without concerning oneself with the inner workings of individual objects. Another sought-after feature is inheritance, which establishes a hierarchy of classes sharing common attributes, while still permitting customization.

Popular object-oriented programming languages include Java, Python, C++, and Ruby. While each of these languages stands out as a top programming choice, they all adhere to the object-oriented programming paradigm.

4. Scripting Languages

Scripting languages are characterized by their simplicity, easy-to-understand syntax, and dynamic typing. Unlike compiled languages, they are interpreted at runtime. There are two main types: server-side scripting languages and client-side scripting languages. These languages facilitate communication with other programming languages.

  • Python - Python stands out as one of the most user-friendly programming languages among developers. Being an object-oriented language, Python offers high-level data structures and built-in libraries, facilitating rapid application development. With its straightforward syntax, clear readability, and dynamic semantics, Python is both easy to learn and decode.
  • Perl - Perl is a dynamic language with unique features that distinguish it from other languages available on Linux and Windows Server platforms. It's particularly favored for high-traffic websites, like IMDb, due to its capabilities in text manipulation tasks.
  • Bash - Bash, short for Bourne-Again Shell, is a scripting language that serves as the default command interpreter on most Linux/GNU operating systems. Easier to grasp compared to many other programming languages, Bash simplifies script creation, facilitates documentation for others, and offers a repository of useful reusable scripts.

5. Logic Programming Languages

As the name suggests, this is computer programming based on formal logic. This programming language program consists of a cluster of logical statements or rules that determine relationships among objects. It allows the system to extrapolate new information.

This language is frequently employed in artificial intelligence and expert systems where reasoning and inference play crucial roles. It enables the creation of concise and expressive programs that are easier to understand and maintain compared to programs developed using other paradigms.

In summary, logical programming offers a secure and adaptable method for problem-solving in computer programming, applicable across various problem types. While particularly valuable for certain applications, it remains versatile. Prolog stands out as one of the most renowned logical languages, utilizing a set of facts and rules to describe and reason through problems.

6. Imperative Programming

In imperative programming, programmers dictate a series of instructions for the computer to execute, altering the program's state and its internal data structures. This paradigm outlines the steps a computer must take to solve a problem rather than defining a mathematical function. Languages like C, C++, Java, and Python are examples of imperative programming languages.

The Imperative is the most popular programming language in software development for system programming and low-level programming tasks, which includes direct level control over hardware resources.

What Programming Language Should You Learn?

With constant advancements in the tech industry, staying updated with new programming languages is crucial for candidates. However, other factors also influence the decision on which programming languages to learn.

  • First and foremost, it's essential to understand your goals and determine the career path you wish to pursue after acquiring proficiency in a programming language.
  • Next, conduct thorough market research and narrow down the field you want to enter.
  • Following that, it's vital to assess the industry demand and understand the skill set and languages sought after in your chosen field. Focus on acquiring the skills and languages that are in demand within your desired profession.
  • You might consider starting with one of the easier programming languages and then progressively increasing the difficulty level. Python and Ruby are excellent languages to start with.
  • Look for simply available material where you can learn quickly. Join communities and network with people at the top level of the field.
  • Lastly, keep reinventing and learning as the market is constantly changing.

What Are the Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2024?

Which coding and programming languages should I focus on learning? JavaScript and Python stand out as two of the most sought-after languages in the startup ecosystem. Many startups leverage Python frameworks like Django and Flask for backend development, as well as Node.js for server-side JavaScript. Additionally, these languages are often recommended as ideal starting points for beginners in programming.

Below is a list of the most popular and best programming languages that will be in demand in 2024.

  1. 1. Python
  2. 2. Javascript
  3. 3. Java
  4. 4. C#
  5. 5. SQL
  6. 6. Go (or Golang)
  7. 7. Rust
  8. 8. Kotlin
  9. 9. Swift
  10. 10. Typescript
  11. 11. PHP
  12. 12. R
  13. 13. Ruby
  14. 14. C & C++
  15. 15. Matlab

Remember, the "best" language often depends on your specific career aspirations, the industry you're targeting, and the projects you're interested in pursuing. It's also beneficial to stay adaptable and open to learning new languages as technologies evolve.

Both JavaScript and Python are excellent choices, especially for someone interested in the startup industry.

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